Mergers and acquisitions

This will probably be one of the most important developments for any business.

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Management buyout, an acquisition or the purchase of a business

Are you:

  • buying another company or business?
  • selling some or all of your own business?
  • effecting a group-wide buy and build strategy?
  • fulfilling your exit strategy by taking your business through a management buyout, public offering or trade sale?
  • a professional advisor helping your client to achieve one of the above?
If so, we can help.  You may be familiar with these transactions and just need help with certain elements. Alternatively, you may be part of a senior management team about to make their first acquisition, or a business owner in unfamiliar territory, requiring more support.

We can help you through some or all of the transaction, working within your time and budget contraints.  Whether your require support with a management buyout, an acquisition, the purchase of a business out of insolvency or a disposal of your business to a trade competitor, we will provide you with as much or as little legal advice and support as you require.

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